No Pinks, Just Chocolate Cakes

I’ve been nominated for a “Sunshine Blogger Award.”, by Vanessa of,  ‘say no to clowns’, As my followers might know, I don’t usually participate in awards, I suppose I feel embarrassed/overwhelmed, and feel like it’s a burden to other readers, to pass on/be nominated. Anyhow, for Vanessa, here’s my answers to her intriguing questions….Thank you to, >>saynotoclowns

What is definitely not your favourite colour?

Pink, It definitely doesn’t suit me. My mom wanted her second child to be a girl (Me), I was originally dressed in pink for a while, after mom had spent months knitting pink outfits for the new baby (Me)

Do you like cake? If not, why?

I’ve been known to eat whole sponge cakes, in one sitting, especially with pink icing, like I’m trying to devour the pink icing, off the face of the planet…….

Can you live without a Smart phone?

I don’t have a smart phone, just a little Android phone. I suppose I use my phone a lot, but in my health situation, it’s a necessary item. And I’m always jotting down notes/lines in my phone, that I could later use in a poem…….

Do you like cake? If not, why?

Chocolate cake is my favourite……

What are your thoughts on clowns?

I never liked clowns at the circus, they used to scare me, and never thought they were the least bit funny, and they wore terrible make-up !!

One of us had to switch to decaf. Can you guess which one of us?

It wouldn’t be me. I don’t drink a lot of coffee, but I do like going to a cafe for a good coffee, and enjoy a chat with a friend, and soaking up the atmosphere created within the cafe….


As Vanessa said in her article, “As for my own nominations…actually, I am going to be bold and just tell you., ‘you have been one of the winners of the award’…and that goes for all of you wonderful people who have enriched my blogging life. Thank you so, so much!”. If you feel inclined, maybe you could answer the above questions that Vanessa,put to me……




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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

27 thoughts on “No Pinks, Just Chocolate Cakes”

  1. I love that you did this, thank you for forwarding the love!
    And I love that you love chocolate cake 🙂
    You know, I had to grow into pink…I was such a tomboy as a kid, and I grew into it, but I used to HATE it. It’s interesting the things that make/inform our psyches. I’m sure your mum realised after you were born, how glad she was that you are you!

    Cafes are definitely one of God’s greatest gifts hehe
    Thanks again Ivor ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww, bless you being dressed in pink as a baby, Ivor..good job you weren’t aware of it to be bothered! I remember my mother-in-law knitting for our babies before they were born. I was a little annoyed that she knitted a matching jumper & dungarees suit in blue, as she was convinced I was having boys, each time!! However, we had 2 girls. Anyway, she wasn’t the greatest knitter, & I couldn’t get the jumper over the baby’s head anyway! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fun questions and fun answers, Ivor! 🙂
    I’m not a fan of the color pink either. What IS your fav color?!?!
    As one of 8 kids I wore a lot of hand-me-downs and pass-around clothes, and some belonged to my brothers. Ha. So I was rarely dressed in pink. 😀
    I like clowns, but not if they’re mean clowns. I have a funny personal clown story, but too long to share here!
    HUGS!!! 😀 Happy New Week!!! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My mom, was a great knitter, and seamstress, so we were always supplied with these fabulous home made clothes….
      I’m happy you enjoyed my answers, it’s funny how there’s humour in the honesty of youth back in the fifties…..

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  4. Pink is one of my favourite colours. My two eldest daughters were 18 and 16 when our only son was born and one day they dressed him in a pink dress just so they could see what he would look like as a girl. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love your answers, Ivor. Glad your mom eventually decided to dress you in more boyish colors. I never dressed my girls in pink. I didn’t want to stiffle their creativity with a set color. Yet, my middle child chose to wear pink all through high school.
    Go figure …???!!!
    I’ve stopped doing award questions due to time restraints. I barely get to the blogs I want to read or to answer the comments. CONGRATULATIONS … !!!!
    Isadora 😎

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