Dear Friend, I Mean These Words

Hello dear readers, I’ve been browsing through some old poems of mine….. and I came across this poem/letter, that I had written for a very dear friend …. the piece has remained filed away for over seven years….. and for the sake of my angel, I think It’s time that my noble soul shared these words……

Dear Friend, I Mean These Words
From the bottom of my broken heart, I thank you

From the depths of my crying soul, I thank you

Holding her frail hand at night, you were there

Caressing her spirit with your gentle words, you were there

Keeping me company, during her gathering dark, you were there

Hugging me when I cried and cried, you were there

Dear friend, again, and again, I mean these words

Dear friend, over and over, I say these words

From the bottom of my beating heart, I thank you

From depths of my noble soul, I thank you



Ivor Steven (c)  August 2019

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G'day, and welcome to my blog site. My name is Ivor Steven, I live in Geelong, Australia. I'm an ex-industrial chemist, and a retired plumber, and a former Carer of my wife(Carole), for 30 years, who suffered from severe MS. I Write poetry about those personal thoughts, throughout and beyond my life as a Carer. I've been blogging for over 2 years, and writing poems for 19 years. Of course a lot of my poems are about my favourite subject Carole, but since I've been blogging my writings have become quite varied, humourous, mystical, observational, and even a few monster/horror poems.

31 thoughts on “Dear Friend, I Mean These Words”

  1. Beautiful! (You’re not surprised to know that my tears are flowing. 🙂 )
    So glad you have that wonderful friend!
    I’m blessed to have such friends, too!
    I’m sure we could not get through life without them!
    HUGS!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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